Release Notes

For the latest Release Notes, please check out our in-app MedChat Help Center - "What's New" section.

Version 20220825.1

Summary: Enhanced integration capabilities with external bots; chatbot Multi-choice and Drop-down blocks now support both label and value for options; address chatbot editor bugs

Version 20220818.1

Summary: Minor bug-fixes and updates; Markdown support removed

Version 20220811.1

Summary: new Live Chat Assist feature now enabled for all customers; Beta version of new Request Form builder now available for select organizations

Version 20220810.1

Hotfix: Microservices update

Version 20220804.1

Summary: MedChat Help Center and Answer Bot Article images enlarge when clicked; support for custom domains when texting secure links, and address UI issues introduced by recent Google Chrome browser updates

Version 20220728.1

Summary: Chatbot enhancements: Re-display Triage Bot Care Options and new Button display option for Multiple Choice block; minor bug-fixes

Version 20220725.1

Summary: Live Chat Assist (New Feature), bug-fixes

Version 20220707.1

Summary: System Function updates, Chatbot editor color-scheme adjustment, and Enable new Command Panel

Version 20220630.1

Summary: Chatbot System Functions and bug-fixes