MedChat Data Model
This page lists the queryable MedChat data schema, including fields for each table, along with their data type and any field-specific comments.
All tables have an EnqueuedDateTime
field representing the datetime that a record was ingested from the online transactional database tables. The EnqueuedDateTime
fields can largely be ignored for most query purposes.
Live Chat Tables
Column Name | Data Type | Comments |
LiveChatId | guid | Unique identifier of the chat |
OrganizationId | guid | Organization's unique identifier |
OrganizationName | string | Organization's name |
WidgetId | guid | Unique identifier for a widget |
WidgetName | string | Name of the widget |
TopicId | guid | A widget topic's unique identifier |
TopicName | string | A widget topic's assigned name |
PatientName | string | Name of user initiating the chat |
InitiatedDateTime | datetime | Datetime when the patient initiated the chat |
StartedDateTime | datetime | Datetime of the first agent message |
EndedDateTime | datetime | Datetime when the chat ended |
ArchivedDateTime | datetime | Datetime when the chat was archived |
ChatEndReason | string | Reason as to why the chat ended |
ChatEndedBy | string | Who ended the chat. Values are Agent, System, User. |
AgentMessageCount | int | Number of messages sent by agent(s) during the chat |
PatientMessageCount | int | Number of messages sent by patient during the chat |
FirstAgentAssignedDateTime | datetime | Datetime when the first agent was assigned to the chat |
AgentCount | int | Number of agents who participated in the chat |
HoldTime | timespan | Time from when the chatbot interaction ends (or from the start of the chat, if no chatbot) until the first agent is assigned. (i.e., Patient's time in the waiting queue) |
WaitTime | timespan | Time from when the first agent was assigned to the chat until the agent's first message |
ServiceTime | timespan | Time from when the chatbot interaction ends (or from the start of the chat, if no chatbot) until the chat ends |
ArchiveTime | timespan | Time from when the chatbot interaction ends (or from the start of the chat, if no chatbot) until the chat is archived |
IsSmsInitiated | bool | Indicates whether the chat was initiated through an SMS secure link |
SmsChatId | guid | The ID of the SMS chat that originated the live chat |
OfflineBotUsed | bool | Indicates whether a chatbot was used while the topic was unavailable for live agents |
InitialContext | string | URL the patient was on when they initiated the chat |
EnqueuedDateTime | datetime | Datetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries. |
ChatInviteCode | string | The system-generated invite code included in an SMS secure link to a live chat |
LiveChatRegisteredChatId | guid | The guid for a generated Registered Chat (see MedChat Help Center for more information) |
OnlineBotUsed | bool | Indicates whether a chatbot was used while the topic was available |
TransferredToLiveChatId | guid | Captures the new live chat ID spawned from an agent's transfer without history |
TransferredFromLiveChatId | guid | Captures the originating live chat ID for a chat that was transferred without history |
AgentTransfersCount | int | Tracks the number of agent-to-agent transfers for a live chat |
SystemTransfersCount | int | Tracks the number of times an auto-transfer kicks in due to an agent's non-response |
Column Name | Data Type | Comments |
LiveChatId | guid | Unique identifier of the chat |
UserId | guid | Agent's unique identifier |
FirstName | string | Agent's first name |
LastName | string | Agent's last name |
AssignedDateTime | datetime | Datetime when the system assigned the chat to the Agent |
AgentSequence | int | The order that the agent was assigned to the chat |
FirstMessageDateTime | datetime | Datetime of the Agent's first message sent on the chat |
LastMessageDateTime | datetime | Datetime of the agent's last message sent on the chat |
AgentChatTime | timespan | Time from when the agent was assigned until the agent's last message |
WaitTime | timespan | Time from when the agent joined the chat until the agent's first message |
MessageCount | int | Number of messages sent by the agent on the chat |
AverageResponseTime | timespan | Average time span the agent responds to a patient message |
Weight | int | Internal value used to determine how much an agent's average response time should factor into the total average response time for the chat |
OrganizationId | guid | Organization's unique identifier |
EnqueuedDateTime | datetime | Datetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries. |
Column Name | Data Type | Comments |
MessageId | guid | Unique identifier of the message |
LiveChatId | guid | Unique identifier of the live chat |
UserId | guid | Agent's unique identifier |
QuickReplyId | guid | Unique identifier of the quick reply |
QuickReplyTitle | string | Title of the quick reply |
Timestamp | datetime | Datetime the quick reply was sent |
OrganizationId | guid | Organization's unique identifier |
EnqueuedDateTime | datetime | Datetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries. |
Column Name | Data Type | Comments |
LiveChatId | guid | Unique identifier of the chat |
ExperienceRating | int | Patient-submitted experience rating for the live chat, on a scale of 1 to 5 |
ExperienceRatingText | string | Patient-submitted experience rating text for the live chat |
AdditionalComments | string | Additional patient comments |
OrganizationId | guid | Organization's unique identifier |
EnqueuedDateTime | datetime | Datetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries. |
Column Name | Data Type | Comments |
LiveChatId | guid | Unique identifier of the chat |
TagId | guid | Unique identifier of the tag |
Tag | string | Tag name |
Category | string | Tag category |
UserId | guid | Unique user identifier of the agent that added the tag |
OrganizationId | guid | Organization's unique identifier |
EnqueuedDateTime | datetime | Datetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries. |
Column Name | Data Type | Comments |
LiveChatId | guid | Unique identifier of the chat |
TaskId | guid | Unique identifier of the task |
TaskType | string | Task type. Possible values are OfflineChatFollowUp, MissedBotTransferFollowUp, FlaggedEvent |
CreatedDateTime | datetime | Datetime the task was created |
ClaimedStatus | string | Task claimed status. Possible values are Unclaimed, Claimed |
ClaimedByUserId | guid | User ID of the agent that claimed the task |
ClaimedDateTime | datetime | Datetime the task was claimed |
ResolutionStatus | string | Resolution status of the task. Possible values are Unresolved, Resolved, Closed |
ResolvedDateTime | datetime | Datetime the task was resolved |
OrganizationId | guid | Organization's unique identifier |
EnqueuedDateTime | datetime | Datetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries. |
Column Name | Data Type | Comments |
LiveChatId | guid | Unique identifier of the live chat |
BlockId | string | The ID of the input block. Triage bot input block IDs are prefixed with TriageBot. For example, TriageBot.Region. |
Values | string | The input value(s) submitted by the patient for this input block. For blocks that accept multiple values (like a Multiple Choice block), multiple values are stored as a comma-separated list. |
OrganizationId | guid | Organization's unique identifier |
EnqueuedDateTime | datetime | Datetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries. |
Column Name | Data Type | Comments |
LiveChatId | guid | Unique identifier of the live chat |
AttributeName | string | Name of the attribute |
DataType | string | Data type of the attribute |
AttributeValue | string | Value of the attribute |
IsCustom | bool | Indicates whether the attribute is a custom attribute or a system attribute |
CollectionItemType | string | If a collection type, indicates the date type of the items in the collection |
OrganizationId | guid | Organization's unique identifier |
EnqueuedDateTime | datetime | Datetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries. |
Column Name | Data Type | Comments |
LiveChatRegisteredChatId | guid | Unique identifier of the registered chat |
LiveChatId | guid | Unique identifier of the live chat |
WidgetId | guid | Unique identifier for a widget |
WidgetName | string | Name of the widget |
TopicId | guid | A widget topic's unique identifier |
TopicName | string | A widget topic's assigned name |
PatientName | string | Name of user initiating the chat |
Status | string | Status of the registered chat. Possible values are Registered, ChatStarted, Expired |
CreatedDateTime | datetime | Datetime the registered chat was created |
ExpiresDateTime | datetime | Datetime the registered chat expires |
OrganizationId | guid | Organization's unique identifier |
EnqueuedDateTime | datetime | Datetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries. |
ReferenceCode | string | Reference code on the registered chat |
Chat Bot Tables
Column Name | Data Type | Comments |
ChatBotExecutionId | guid | Unique identifier of the chat bot execution |
LiveChatId | guid | Unique identifier of the chat |
ChatBotId | guid | Unique identifier of the chat bot |
ChatBotName | string | Name of the chat bot |
Status | string | Status of the chat bot execution. Possible values are Active, Complete, Paused, Error |
CreatedDateTime | datetime | Datetime the execution was created |
UpdatedDateTime | datetime | Datetime the execution was updated |
CompletedDateTime | datetime | Datetime the execution completed |
CompletionReason | string | Reason the execution completed. Possible values are ExecutionCompleted, ChatEnded, Error |
RanToCompletion | bool | Indicates whether the execution ran to completion |
LastChatBotStepExecutionId | guid | Unique identifier of the last chat bot step executed |
LastChatBotStepExecutionStepId | int | Step ID of the last chat bot step executed |
LastChatBotStepExecutionStepName | string | Name of the last chat bot step executed |
LastChatBotStepExecutionStepType | string | Step type of the last chat bot step executed |
OrganizationId | guid | Organization's unique identifier |
EnqueuedDateTime | datetime | Datetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries. |
Column Name | Data Type | Comments |
ChatBotStepExecutionId | guid | Unique identifier of the chat bot step execution |
LiveChatId | guid | Unique identifier of the chat |
ChatBotExecutionId | guid | Unique identifier of the chat bot execution |
ChatBotId | guid | Unique identifier of the chat bot |
ChatBotName | string | Name of the chat bot |
FlowId | guid | Unique identifier of the chat bot flow |
FlowName | string | Name of the chat bot flow |
FlowCreatedDateTime | datetime | Datetime that the flow was created |
StepId | int | Step ID of the step that executed |
StepName | string | Step name of the step that executed |
StepType | string | Step type of the step that executed |
EventDateTime | datetime | Datetime that the step executed |
OrganizationId | guid | Organization's unique identifier |
EnqueuedDateTime | datetime | Datetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries. |
Column Name | Data Type | Comments |
LiveChatId | guid | Unique identifier of the chat |
Score | int | Triage bot score |
RecommendationOptions | string | Triage bot recommendation option |
Selection | string | Selected option |
OrganizationId | guid | Organization's unique identifier |
EnqueuedDateTime | datetime | Datetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries. |
Answer Bot Tables
Column Name | Data Type | Comments |
EventId | guid | Unique identifier of the event |
ArticleId | guid | Unique identifier of the article |
ArticleTitle | string | Title of the article |
CategoryId | guid | Unique identifier of the category |
CategoryName | string | Name of the category |
Context | string | URL the patient was on when they viewed the article |
SessionId | string | Unique identifier representing the user's session |
WidgetId | guid | Unique identifier of the widget |
WidgetName | string | Name of the widget |
Timestamp | datetime | Datetime when the article was viewed |
OrganizationId | guid | Organization's unique identifier |
EnqueuedDateTime | datetime | Datetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries. |
Column Name | Data Type | Comments |
EventId | guid | Unique identifier of the event |
Query | string | Search query |
CorrelationId | guid | Correlation ID |
ResultCount | int | Number of search results |
Result1ArticleId | guid | Unique identifer of the first search result article |
Result1ArticleTitle | string | Title of the first search result article |
Result1CategoryId | guid | Category ID of the first search result article |
Result1Category | string | Category of the first search result article |
Result1Score | real | Accuracy score of the first search result |
Result2ArticleId | guid | Unique identifer of the second search result article |
Result2ArticleTitle | string | Title of the second search result article |
Result2CategoryId | guid | Category ID of the second search result article |
Result2Category | string | Category of the second search result article |
Result2Score | real | Accuracy score of the second search result |
Result3ArticleId | guid | Unique identifer of the third search result article |
Result3ArticleTitle | string | Title of the third search result article |
Result3CategoryId | guid | Category ID of the third search result article |
Result3Category | string | Category of the third search result article |
Result3Score | real | Accuracy score of the third search result |
SessionId | string | User's session ID |
GapScore | int | Gap score for the search |
WidgetId | guid | Unique identifier for a widget |
WidgetName | string | Name of the widget |
Timestamp | datetime | Datetime of the search |
OrganizationId | guid | Organization's unique identifier |
EnqueuedDateTime | datetime | Datetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries. |
Column Name | Data Type | Comments |
SearchConceptId | guid | Unique identifier of the search concept |
DisplayText | string | Display text |
OrganizationId | guid | Organization's unique identifier |
EnqueuedDateTime | datetime | Datetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries. |
Column Name | Data Type | Comments |
EventId | guid | Unique identifier of the event |
SearchConceptId | guid | Unique identifier of the search concept |
OrganizationId | guid | Organization's unique identifier |
EnqueuedDateTime | datetime | Datetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries. |
SMS Chat Tables
Column Name | Data Type | Comments |
SmsChatId | guid | Unique identifier of the SMS chat |
OrganizationId | guid | Organization's unique identifier |
Name | string | Name of the recipient |
UserPhoneNumber | string | Phone number of the recipient |
Status | string | Status of the chat. Possible values are Queued, Active, Subscribed, Unsubscribed |
CreatedDateTime | datetime | Datetime the SMS chat was created |
LastActivityDateTime | datetime | Datetime of the last activity on the chat |
UnsubscribedDateTime | datetime | Datetime that the recipient unsubscribed from the chat |
OrgPhoneNumber | string | Phone number of the org number |
OrgPhoneNumberName | string | Phone number name of the org number |
EnqueuedDateTime | datetime | Datetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries. |
Column Name | Data Type | Comments |
SmsChatSessionId | guid | Unique identifier of the SMS chat session |
SmsChatId | guid | Unique identifier of the SMS chat |
UserId | guid | Unique identifier of the agent |
Status | string | Session status. Possible values are Open, Closed |
SessionStartDateTime | datetime | Datetime the session started |
SessionEndDateTime | datetime | Datetime the session ended |
OrganizationId | guid | Organization's unique identifier |
EnqueuedDateTime | datetime | Datetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries. |
Column Name | Data Type | Comments |
SmsChatMessageId | guid | Unique identifier of the SMS chat message |
SmsChatId | guid | Unique identifier of the SMS chat |
UserId | guid | Unique identifier of the user who sent the message |
UserType | string | User type of the user who sent the message. Possible values are Internal, Anonymous, Bot |
Timestamp | datetime | Datetime of the message |
OrganizationId | guid | Organization's unique identifier |
EnqueuedDateTime | datetime | Datetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries. |
IsSystemMessage | bool | Indicates whether the message was system message (i.e., not from the patient, the agent, or a text bot) |
Column Name | Data Type | Comments |
SmsChatInviteId | guid | Unique identifier of the SMS chat invite |
SmsChatId | guid | Unique identifier of the SMS chat |
AgentUserId | guid | User ID of the agent that sent the invite |
WidgetId | guid | Unique identifier for a widget |
WidgetName | string | Name of the widget |
TopicId | guid | A widget topic's unique identifier |
TopicName | string | A widget topic's assigned name |
SentDateTime | datetime | Datetime the invite was sent |
OrganizationId | guid | Organization's unique identifier |
EnqueuedDateTime | datetime | Datetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries. |
InviteBaseUrl | string | Invite base URL |
InviteUrl | string | Invite URL |
ChatInviteCode | string | Invite code |
Column Name | Data Type | Comments |
SmsChatId | guid | Unique identifier of the SMS chat |
AttributeName | string | Name of the attribute |
DataType | string | Data type of the attribute |
AttributeValue | string | Value of the attribute |
IsCustom | bool | Indicates whether the attribute is a custom attribute or a system attribute |
CollectionItemType | string | If a collection type, indicates the date type of the items in the collection |
OrganizationId | guid | Organization's unique identifier |
EnqueuedDateTime | datetime | Datetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries. |
SmsChatAttributeId | guid | Unique identifier of the SMS chat attribute |
TextBotExecutionId | guid | Unique identifier of the text bot execution |
DeletedDateTime | datetime | Datetime the attribute was deleted |
User Tables
Column Name | Data Type | Comments |
UserId | guid | Unique identifier of the user |
OrganizationId | guid | Organization's unique identifier |
FirstName | string | User's first name |
LastName | string | User's last name |
EmailAddress | string | User's e-mail address |
Roles | string | Comma-separated list of the user's roles |
IsAgent | bool | Indicates whether the user is an agent |
IsActive | bool | Indicates whether the user is active |
EnqueuedDateTime | datetime | Datetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries. |
IsGuest | bool | Indicates wheter the user is a guest acount in the organization |
Column Name | Data Type | Comments |
UserId | guid | Unique identifier of the user |
OrganizationId | guid | Organization's unique identifier |
LiveChatPresence | string | User's live chat presence. Possible values are Active, Away |
TeamChatPresence | string | User's spaces presence. Possible values are Active, Away |
Timestamp | datetime | Datetime user's presence last changed |
EnqueuedDateTime | datetime | Datetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries. |
Column Name | Data Type | Comments |
AttributeId | guid | Unique identifier of the user attribute |
UserId | guid | Unique identifier of the user |
AttributeName | string | Name of the user attribute |
Value | string | Value of the user attribute |
PermissionScope | string | Permission scope of the user attribute |
OrganizationId | guid | Organization's unique identifier |
EnqueuedDateTime | datetime | Datetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries. |
Cloud Function Tables
Column Name | Data Type | Comments |
CloudFunctionErrorId | guid | Unique identifier of the cloud function error |
CloudFunctionExecutionId | guid | Unique identifier of the cloud function execution |
CloudFunctionId | guid | Unique identifier of the cloud function |
LiveChatId | guid | Unique identifier of the chat |
OrganizationId | guid | Organization's unique identifier |
ChatBotId | guid | Unique identifier of the chat bot |
ChatBotName | string | Name of the chat bot |
ChatBotExecutionId | guid | Unique identifier of the chat bot execution |
TriggerId | guid | Unique identifier of the trigger |
HttpStatusCode | int | Http status code from the cloud function |
ResponseContent | string | Response content from the cloud function |
Timestamp | datetime | Datetime of the cloud function error |
EnqueuedDateTime | datetime | Datetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries. |
Column Name | Data Type | Comments |
CloudFunctionExecutionId | guid | Unique identifier of the cloud function execution |
CloudFunctionId | guid | Unique identifier of the cloud function |
LiveChatId | guid | Unique identifier of the chat |
ChatBotId | guid | Unique identifier of the chat bot |
ChatBotName | string | Name of the chat bot |
ChatBotExecutionId | guid | Unique identifier of the chat bot execution |
TriggerId | guid | Unique identifier of the trigger |
DurationMs | int | The duration in milliseconds of the cloud function execution |
HadError | bool | Indicates whether the cloud function execution encountered an error |
StartDateTime | datetime | Datetime of the start of the cloud function execution |
OrganizationId | guid | Organization's unique identifier |
EnqueuedDateTime | datetime | Datetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries. |
Custom Script Tables
Column Name | Data Type | Comments |
CustomScriptErrorId | guid | Unique identifier of the custom script error |
CustomScriptExecutionId | guid | Unique identifier of the custom script execution |
CustomScriptId | guid | Unique identifier of the custom script |
LiveChatId | guid | Unique identifier of the chat |
OrganizationId | guid | Organization's unique identifier |
ChatBotId | guid | Unique identifier of the chat bot |
ChatBotName | string | Name of the chat bot |
ChatBotExecutionId | guid | Unique identifier of the chat bot execution |
Message | string | Error message |
StackTrace | string | Stack trace of the error |
Timestamp | datetime | Datetime of the custom script error |
EnqueuedDateTime | datetime | Datetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries. |
Column Name | Data Type | Comments |
CustomScriptExecutionId | guid | Unique identifier of the custom script execution |
CustomScriptId | guid | Unique identifier of the custom script |
LiveChatId | guid | Unique identifier of the chat |
ChatBotId | guid | Unique identifier of the chat bot |
ChatBotName | string | Name of the chat bot |
ChatBotExecutionId | guid | Unique identifier of the chat bot execution |
DurationMs | int | The duration in milliseconds of the custom script execution |
HadError | bool | Indicates whether the custom script execution encountered an error |
StartDateTime | datetime | Datetime of the start of the custom script execution |
OrganizationId | guid | Organization's unique identifier |
EnqueuedDateTime | datetime | Datetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries. |
Column Name | Data Type | Comments |
CustomScriptTraceId | guid | Unique identifier of the custom script trace |
CustomScriptExecutionId | guid | Unique identifier of the custom script execution |
CustomScriptId | guid | Unique identifier of the custom script |
LiveChatId | guid | Unique identifier of the chat |
OrganizationId | guid | Organization's unique identifier |
ChatBotId | guid | Unique identifier of the chat bot |
ChatBotName | string | Name of the chat bot |
ChatBotExecutionId | guid | Unique identifier of the chat bot execution |
Message | string | Cutom trace message |
SeverityLevel | string | Custom trace severity level |
Timestamp | datetime | Datetime of the custom trace |
EnqueuedDateTime | datetime | Datetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries. |
Journey Tables
Column Name | Data Type | Comments |
JourneyInstanceId | guid | Unique identifier of the journey instance |
AttributeName | string | Name of the attribute |
DataType | string | Data type of the attribute |
AttributeValue | string | Value of the attribute |
IsCustom | bool | Indicates whether the attribute is a custom attribute or a system attribute |
CollectionItemType | string | If a collection type, indicates the date type of the items in the collection |
OrganizationId | guid | Organization's unique identifier |
EnqueuedDateTime | datetime | Datetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries. |
Column Name | Data Type | Comments |
JourneyInstanceId | guid | Unique identifier of the journey instance |
JourneyBotId | guid | Unique identifier of the journey bot |
JourneyBotName | string | Name of the journey bot |
JourneyBatchId | guid | Unique identitifer of the journey batch |
InitiatingUserId | guid | ID of the user who initiated the journey instance |
JourneyInstanceStatus | string | Status of the journey instance. Possible value are NotStarted, InProgress, InvokedFlowOnExistingInstance, Completed, InError, Cancelled, Scheduled, Queued. |
ErrorMessage | string | Error message of the journey instance |
ReferenceJourneyInstanceId | guid | ID of the journey instance that was in progress on which this journey instance attempted to invoke a subflow |
InvokeFlowId | int | The unique identifier of the subflow that was invoked |
ScheduledTimeZone | string | The time zone of the DateTime when this journey instance is scheduled to execute |
ScheduledDateTime | datetime | The datetime that this journey instance is scheduled to execute |
JourneyExecutionStatus | string | The journey execution status. Possible values are Active, Complete, Paused, Error |
JourneyExecutionId | guid | Unique identifier of the journey execution |
InstanceCreatedDateTime | datetime | Datetime the instance was created |
ExecutionCreatedDateTime | datetime | Datetime the journey execution started |
ExecutionUpdatedDateTime | datetime | Datetime the journey execution was last updated |
ExecutionCompletedDateTime | datetime | Datetime the journey execution completed |
CompletionReason | string | Journey execution completion reason. Possible values are ExecutionCompleted, Error. |
RanToCompletion | bool | Indicates whether the execution ran to completion |
LastJourneyStepExecutionId | guid | Unique identifier of the last journey bot step executed |
LastJourneyStepExecutionStepId | int | Step ID of the last journey bot step executed |
LastJourneyStepExecutionStepName | string | Name of the last journey bot step executed |
LastJourneyStepExecutionStepType | string | Step type of the last journey bot step executed |
OrganizationId | guid | Organization's unique identifier |
EnqueuedDateTime | datetime | Datetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries. |
Column Name | Data Type | Comments |
JourneyInstanceId | guid | Unique identifier of the journey instance |
AttributeName | string | Name of the parameter |
AttributeValue | string | Value of the parameter |
OrganizationId | guid | Organization's unique identifier |
EnqueuedDateTime | datetime | Datetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries. |
Column Name | Data Type | Comments |
JourneyStepExecutionId | guid | Unique identifier of the journey bot step execution |
JourneyInstanceId | guid | Unique identifier of the journey instance |
JourneyExecutionId | guid | Unique identifier of the journey bot execution |
JourneyBotId | guid | Unique identifier of the journey bot |
JourneyBotName | string | Name of the journey bot |
FlowId | guid | Unique identifier of the journey bot flow |
FlowName | string | Name of the journey bot flow |
FlowCreatedDateTime | datetime | Datetime that the flow was created |
StepId | int | Step ID of the step that executed |
StepName | string | Step name of the step that executed |
StepType | string | Step type of the step that executed |
EventDateTime | datetime | Datetime that the step executed |
OrganizationId | guid | Organization's unique identifier |
EnqueuedDateTime | datetime | Datetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries. |
SMS Batch Tables
Column Name | Data Type | Comments |
SmsBatchRecipientId | guid | Unique identifier of the recipient |
OrganizationId | guid | Organization's unique identifier |
AttributeName | string | Name of the parameter |
AttributeValue | string | Value of the parameter |
EnqueuedDateTime | datetime | Datetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries. |
Column Name | Data Type | Comments |
SmsBatchRecipientId | guid | Unique identifier of the recipient |
SmsBatchId | guid | Unique identifier of the3 SMS batch |
OrganizationId | guid | Organization's unique identifier |
RecipientName | string | Name of the recipient |
RecipientPhoneNumber | string | Phone number of the recipient |
RecipientStatus | string | Batch recipient status. Possible values are NotSent, Queued, AwaitingTextBotStart, Scheduled, Sent, InError, Cancelled |
SentDateTime | datetime | Datetime the batch was started for this recipient |
ErrorMessage | string | Error message sending to this recipient |
SmsChatId | guid | Unique identifier of the SMS chat |
TextBotExecutionId | guid | Unique identifier of the text bot execution |
EnqueuedDateTime | datetime | Datetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries. |
Column Name | Data Type | Comments |
SmsBatchId | guid | Unique identifier of the SMS batch |
OrganizationId | guid | Organization's unique identifier |
SenderPhoneNumber | string | Senders phone number |
BatchStatus | string | Batch status. Possible values are Created, Scheduled, InProgress, Paused, Complete, Cancelled |
InitiatedByUserId | guid | User ID of the agent that initiated the batch |
TextBot | string | Name of the text bot |
CreatedDateTime | datetime | Datetime batch was created |
ScheduledDateTime | datetime | Datetime batch is scheduled to be sent |
EnqueuedDateTime | datetime | Datetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries. |
SenderPhoneNumberName | string | Sender phone number name |
Text Bot Tables
Column Name | Data Type | Comments |
TextBotExecutionId | guid | Unique identifier of the text bot execution |
SmsChatId | guid | Unique identifier of the chat |
TextBotId | guid | Unique identifier of the text bot |
TextBotName | string | Name of the text bot |
InitiatingUserId | guid | Unique identifier of the agent that initiated the text bot execution |
Status | string | Status of the text bot execution. Possible values are Active, Complete, Paused, Error |
CreatedDateTime | datetime | Datetime the execution was created |
UpdatedDateTime | datetime | Datetime the execution was updated |
CompletedDateTime | datetime | Datetime the execution completed |
CompletionReason | string | Reason the execution completed. Possible values are ExecutionCompleted, ChatEnded, Error |
RanToCompletion | bool | Indicates whether the execution ran to completion |
LastTextBotStepExecutionId | guid | Unique identifier of the last text bot step executed |
LastTextBotStepExecutionStepId | int | Step ID of the last text bot step executed |
LastTextBotStepExecutionStepName | string | Name of the last text bot step executed |
LastTextBotStepExecutionStepType | string | Step type of the last text bot step executed |
OrganizationId | guid | Organization's unique identifier |
EnqueuedDateTime | datetime | Datetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries. |
Column Name | Data Type | Comments |
TextBotStepExecutionId | guid | Unique identifier of the text bot step execution |
SmsChatId | guid | Unique identifier of the chat |
TextBotExecutionId | guid | Unique identifier of the text bot execution |
TextBotId | guid | Unique identifier of the text bot |
TextBotName | string | Name of the text bot |
FlowId | guid | Unique identifier of the text bot flow |
FlowName | string | Name of the text bot flow |
FlowCreatedDateTime | datetime | Datetime that the flow was created |
StepId | int | Step ID of the step that executed |
StepName | string | Step name of the step that executed |
StepType | string | Step type of the step that executed |
EventDateTime | datetime | Datetime that the step executed |
OrganizationId | guid | Organization's unique identifier |
EnqueuedDateTime | datetime | Datetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries. |
Column Name | Data Type | Comments |
CreditsUsed | decimal | The number of credits used in the interaction |
AiFeatureName | string | The name of the AI feature that was being used |
UserId | guid | Unique identifier of the user who utilized an AI feature |
PhoneNumberId | guid | Unique identifier of the phone number associated with a textbot-related AI usage |
WidgetId | guid | Unique identifier of the widget associated with a chatbot-related AI usage |
Timestamp | datetime | Datetime when the AI Model was queried |
OrganizationId | guid | Organization's unique identifier |
EnqueuedDateTime | datetime | Datetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries. |
Updated 6 days ago