MedChat Data Model


This page lists the queryable MedChat data schema, including fields for each table, along with their data type and any field-specific comments.

All tables have an EnqueuedDateTime field representing the datetime that a record was ingested from the online transactional database tables. The EnqueuedDateTime fields can largely be ignored for most query purposes.

Live Chat Tables


Column NameData TypeComments
LiveChatIdguidUnique identifier of the chat
OrganizationIdguidOrganization's unique identifier
OrganizationNamestringOrganization's name
WidgetIdguidUnique identifier for a widget
WidgetNamestringName of the widget
TopicIdguidA widget topic's unique identifier
TopicNamestringA widget topic's assigned name
PatientNamestringName of user initiating the chat
InitiatedDateTimedatetimeDatetime when the patient initiated the chat
StartedDateTimedatetimeDatetime of the first agent message
EndedDateTimedatetimeDatetime when the chat ended
ArchivedDateTimedatetimeDatetime when the chat was archived
ChatEndReasonstringReason as to why the chat ended
ChatEndedBystringWho ended the chat. Values are Agent, System, User.
AgentMessageCountintNumber of messages sent by agent(s) during the chat
PatientMessageCountintNumber of messages sent by patient during the chat
FirstAgentAssignedDateTimedatetimeDatetime when the first agent was assigned to the chat
AgentCountintNumber of agents who participated in the chat
HoldTimetimespanTime from when the chatbot interaction ends (or from the start of the chat, if no chatbot) until the first agent is assigned. (i.e., Patient's time in the waiting queue)
WaitTimetimespanTime from when the first agent was assigned to the chat until the agent's first message
ServiceTimetimespanTime from when the chatbot interaction ends (or from the start of the chat, if no chatbot) until the chat ends
ArchiveTimetimespanTime from when the chatbot interaction ends (or from the start of the chat, if no chatbot) until the chat is archived
IsSmsInitiatedboolIndicates whether the chat was initiated through an SMS secure link
SmsChatIdguidThe ID of the SMS chat that originated the live chat
OfflineBotUsedboolIndicates whether a chatbot was used while the topic was unavailable for live agents
InitialContextstringURL the patient was on when they initiated the chat
EnqueuedDateTimedatetimeDatetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries.
ChatInviteCodestringThe system-generated invite code included in an SMS secure link to a live chat
LiveChatRegisteredChatIdguidThe guid for a generated Registered Chat (see MedChat Help Center for more information)
TransferredToLiveChatIdguidCaptures the new live chat ID spawned from an agent's transfer without history
TransferredFromLiveChatIdguidCaptures the originating live chat ID for a chat that was transferred without history
AgentTransfersCountintTracks the number of agent-to-agent transfers for a live chat
SystemTransfersCountintTracks the number of times an auto-transfer kicks in due to an agent's non-response
OnlineBotUsedboolIndicates whether a chatbot was used while the topic was available


Column NameData TypeComments
LiveChatIdguidUnique identifier of the chat
UserIdguidAgent's unique identifier
FirstNamestringAgent's first name
LastNamestringAgent's last name
AssignedDateTimedatetimeDatetime when the system assigned the chat to the Agent
AgentSequenceintThe order that the agent was assigned to the chat
FirstMessageDateTimedatetimeDatetime of the Agent's first message sent on the chat
LastMessageDateTimedatetimeDatetime of the agent's last message sent on the chat
AgentChatTimetimespanTime from when the agent was assigned until the agent's last message
WaitTimetimespanTime from when the agent joined the chat until the agent's first message
MessageCountintNumber of messages sent by the agent on the chat
AverageResponseTimetimespanAverage time span the agent responds to a patient message
WeightintInternal value used to determine how much an agent's average response time should factor into the total average response time for the chat
OrganizationIdguidOrganization's unique identifier
EnqueuedDateTimedatetimeDatetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries.


Column NameData TypeComments
MessageIdguidUnique identifier of the message
LiveChatIdguidUnique identifier of the live chat
UserIdguidAgent's unique identifier
QuickReplyIdguidUnique identifier of the quick reply
QuickReplyTitlestringTitle of the quick reply
TimestampdatetimeDatetime the quick reply was sent
OrganizationIdguidOrganization's unique identifier
EnqueuedDateTimedatetimeDatetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries.


Column NameData TypeComments
LiveChatIdguidUnique identifier of the chat
ExperienceRatingintPatient-submitted experience rating for the live chat, on a scale of 1 to 5
ExperienceRatingTextstringPatient-submitted experience rating text for the live chat
AdditionalCommentsstringAdditional patient comments
OrganizationIdguidOrganization's unique identifier
EnqueuedDateTimedatetimeDatetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries.


Column NameData TypeComments
LiveChatIdguidUnique identifier of the chat
TagIdguidUnique identifier of the tag
TagstringTag name
CategorystringTag category
UserIdguidUnique user identifier of the agent that added the tag
OrganizationIdguidOrganization's unique identifier
EnqueuedDateTimedatetimeDatetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries.


Column NameData TypeComments
LiveChatIdguidUnique identifier of the chat
TaskIdguidUnique identifier of the task
TaskTypestringTask type. Possible values are OfflineChatFollowUp, MissedBotTransferFollowUp, FlaggedEvent
CreatedDateTimedatetimeDatetime the task was created
ClaimedStatusstringTask claimed status. Possible values are Unclaimed, Claimed
ClaimedByUserIdguidUser ID of the agent that claimed the task
ClaimedDateTimedatetimeDatetime the task was claimed
ResolutionStatusstringResolution status of the task. Possible values are Unresolved, Resolved, Closed
ResolvedDateTimedatetimeDatetime the task was resolved
OrganizationIdguidOrganization's unique identifier
EnqueuedDateTimedatetimeDatetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries.


Column NameData TypeComments
LiveChatIdguidUnique identifier of the live chat
BlockIdstringThe ID of the input block. Triage bot input block IDs are prefixed with TriageBot. For example, TriageBot.Region.
ValuesstringThe input value(s) submitted by the patient for this input block. For blocks that accept multiple values (like a Multiple Choice block), multiple values are stored as a comma-separated list.
OrganizationIdguidOrganization's unique identifier
EnqueuedDateTimedatetimeDatetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries.


Column NameData TypeComments
LiveChatIdguidUnique identifier of the live chat
AttributeNamestringName of the attribute
DataTypestringData type of the attribute
AttributeValuestringValue of the attribute
IsCustomboolIndicates whether the attribute is a custom attribute or a system attribute
CollectionItemTypestringIf a collection type, indicates the date type of the items in the collection
OrganizationIdguidOrganization's unique identifier
EnqueuedDateTimedatetimeDatetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries.


Column NameData TypeComments
LiveChatRegisteredChatIdguidUnique identifier of the registered chat
LiveChatIdguidUnique identifier of the live chat
WidgetIdguidUnique identifier for a widget
WidgetNamestringName of the widget
TopicIdguidA widget topic's unique identifier
TopicNamestringA widget topic's assigned name
PatientNamestringName of user initiating the chat
StatusstringStatus of the registered chat. Possible values are Registered, ChatStarted, Expired
CreatedDateTimedatetimeDatetime the registered chat was created
ExpiresDateTimedatetimeDatetime the registered chat expires
OrganizationIdguidOrganization's unique identifier
EnqueuedDateTimedatetimeDatetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries.
ReferenceCodestringReference code on the registered chat

Chat Bot Tables


Column NameData TypeComments
ChatBotExecutionIdguidUnique identifier of the chat bot execution
LiveChatIdguidUnique identifier of the chat
ChatBotIdguidUnique identifier of the chat bot
ChatBotNamestringName of the chat bot
StatusstringStatus of the chat bot execution. Possible values are Active, Complete, Paused, Error
CreatedDateTimedatetimeDatetime the execution was created
UpdatedDateTimedatetimeDatetime the execution was updated
CompletedDateTimedatetimeDatetime the execution completed
CompletionReasonstringReason the execution completed. Possible values are ExecutionCompleted, ChatEnded, Error
RanToCompletionboolIndicates whether the execution ran to completion
LastChatBotStepExecutionIdguidUnique identifier of the last chat bot step executed
LastChatBotStepExecutionStepIdintStep ID of the last chat bot step executed
LastChatBotStepExecutionStepNamestringName of the last chat bot step executed
LastChatBotStepExecutionStepTypestringStep type of the last chat bot step executed
OrganizationIdguidOrganization's unique identifier
EnqueuedDateTimedatetimeDatetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries.


Column NameData TypeComments
ChatBotStepExecutionIdguidUnique identifier of the chat bot step execution
LiveChatIdguidUnique identifier of the chat
ChatBotExecutionIdguidUnique identifier of the chat bot execution
ChatBotIdguidUnique identifier of the chat bot
ChatBotNamestringName of the chat bot
FlowIdguidUnique identifier of the chat bot flow
FlowNamestringName of the chat bot flow
FlowCreatedDateTimedatetimeDatetime that the flow was created
StepIdintStep ID of the step that executed
StepNamestringStep name of the step that executed
StepTypestringStep type of the step that executed
EventDateTimedatetimeDatetime that the step executed
OrganizationIdguidOrganization's unique identifier
EnqueuedDateTimedatetimeDatetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries.


Column NameData TypeComments
LiveChatIdguidUnique identifier of the chat
ScoreintTriage bot score
RecommendationOptionsstringTriage bot recommendation option
SelectionstringSelected option
OrganizationIdguidOrganization's unique identifier
EnqueuedDateTimedatetimeDatetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries.

Answer Bot Tables


Column NameData TypeComments
EventIdguidUnique identifier of the event
ArticleIdguidUnique identifier of the article
ArticleTitlestringTitle of the article
CategoryIdguidUnique identifier of the category
CategoryNamestringName of the category
ContextstringURL the patient was on when they viewed the article
SessionIdstringUnique identifier representing the user's session
WidgetIdguidUnique identifier of the widget
WidgetNamestringName of the widget
TimestampdatetimeDatetime when the article was viewed
OrganizationIdguidOrganization's unique identifier
EnqueuedDateTimedatetimeDatetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries.


Column NameData TypeComments
EventIdguidUnique identifier of the event
QuerystringSearch query
CorrelationIdguidCorrelation ID
ResultCountintNumber of search results
Result1ArticleIdguidUnique identifer of the first search result article
Result1ArticleTitlestringTitle of the first search result article
Result1CategoryIdguidCategory ID of the first search result article
Result1CategorystringCategory of the first search result article
Result1ScorerealAccuracy score of the first search result
Result2ArticleIdguidUnique identifer of the second search result article
Result2ArticleTitlestringTitle of the second search result article
Result2CategoryIdguidCategory ID of the second search result article
Result2CategorystringCategory of the second search result article
Result2ScorerealAccuracy score of the second search result
Result3ArticleIdguidUnique identifer of the third search result article
Result3ArticleTitlestringTitle of the third search result article
Result3CategoryIdguidCategory ID of the third search result article
Result3CategorystringCategory of the third search result article
Result3ScorerealAccuracy score of the third search result
SessionIdstringUser's session ID
GapScoreintGap score for the search
WidgetIdguidUnique identifier for a widget
WidgetNamestringName of the widget
TimestampdatetimeDatetime of the search
OrganizationIdguidOrganization's unique identifier
EnqueuedDateTimedatetimeDatetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries.


Column NameData TypeComments
SearchConceptIdguidUnique identifier of the search concept
DisplayTextstringDisplay text
OrganizationIdguidOrganization's unique identifier
EnqueuedDateTimedatetimeDatetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries.


Column NameData TypeComments
EventIdguidUnique identifier of the event
SearchConceptIdguidUnique identifier of the search concept
OrganizationIdguidOrganization's unique identifier
EnqueuedDateTimedatetimeDatetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries.

SMS Chat Tables


Column NameData TypeComments
SmsChatIdguidUnique identifier of the SMS chat
OrganizationIdguidOrganization's unique identifier
NamestringName of the recipient
UserPhoneNumberstringPhone number of the recipient
StatusstringStatus of the chat. Possible values are Queued, Active, Subscribed, Unsubscribed
CreatedDateTimedatetimeDatetime the SMS chat was created
LastActivityDateTimedatetimeDatetime of the last activity on the chat
UnsubscribedDateTimedatetimeDatetime that the recipient unsubscribed from the chat
OrgPhoneNumberstringPhone number of the org number
OrgPhoneNumberNamestringPhone number name of the org number
EnqueuedDateTimedatetimeDatetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries.


Column NameData TypeComments
SmsChatSessionIdguidUnique identifier of the SMS chat session
SmsChatIdguidUnique identifier of the SMS chat
UserIdguidUnique identifier of the agent
StatusstringSession status. Possible values are Open, Closed
SessionStartDateTimedatetimeDatetime the session started
SessionEndDateTimedatetimeDatetime the session ended
OrganizationIdguidOrganization's unique identifier
EnqueuedDateTimedatetimeDatetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries.


Column NameData TypeComments
SmsChatMessageIdguidUnique identifier of the SMS chat message
SmsChatIdguidUnique identifier of the SMS chat
UserIdguidUnique identifier of the user who sent the message
UserTypestringUser type of the user who sent the message. Possible values are Internal, Anonymous, Bot
TimestampdatetimeDatetime of the message
OrganizationIdguidOrganization's unique identifier
EnqueuedDateTimedatetimeDatetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries.
IsSystemMessageboolIndicates whether the message was system message (i.e., not from the patient, the agent, or a text bot)


Column NameData TypeComments
SmsChatInviteIdguidUnique identifier of the SMS chat invite
SmsChatIdguidUnique identifier of the SMS chat
AgentUserIdguidUser ID of the agent that sent the invite
WidgetIdguidUnique identifier for a widget
WidgetNamestringName of the widget
TopicIdguidA widget topic's unique identifier
TopicNamestringA widget topic's assigned name
SentDateTimedatetimeDatetime the invite was sent
OrganizationIdguidOrganization's unique identifier
EnqueuedDateTimedatetimeDatetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries.
InviteBaseUrlstringInvite base URL
InviteUrlstringInvite URL
ChatInviteCodestringInvite code


Column NameData TypeComments
SmsChatIdguidUnique identifier of the SMS chat
AttributeNamestringName of the attribute
DataTypestringData type of the attribute
AttributeValuestringValue of the attribute
IsCustomboolIndicates whether the attribute is a custom attribute or a system attribute
CollectionItemTypestringIf a collection type, indicates the date type of the items in the collection
OrganizationIdguidOrganization's unique identifier
EnqueuedDateTimedatetimeDatetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries.
SmsChatAttributeIdguidUnique identifier of the SMS chat attribute
TextBotExecutionIdguidUnique identifier of the text bot execution
DeletedDateTimedatetimeDatetime the attribute was deleted

User Tables


Column NameData TypeComments
UserIdguidUnique identifier of the user
OrganizationIdguidOrganization's unique identifier
FirstNamestringUser's first name
LastNamestringUser's last name
EmailAddressstringUser's e-mail address
RolesstringComma-separated list of the user's roles
IsAgentboolIndicates whether the user is an agent
IsActiveboolIndicates whether the user is active
EnqueuedDateTimedatetimeDatetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries.
IsGuestboolIndicates wheter the user is a guest acount in the organization


Column NameData TypeComments
UserIdguidUnique identifier of the user
OrganizationIdguidOrganization's unique identifier
LiveChatPresencestringUser's live chat presence. Possible values are Active, Away
TeamChatPresencestringUser's spaces presence. Possible values are Active, Away
TimestampdatetimeDatetime user's presence last changed
EnqueuedDateTimedatetimeDatetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries.



Column NameData TypeComments
CloudFunctionErrorIdguidUnique identifier of the cloud function error
CloudFunctionExecutionIdguidUnique identifier of the cloud function execution
CloudFunctionIdguidUnique identifier of the cloud function
LiveChatIdguidUnique identifier of the chat
OrganizationIdguidOrganization's unique identifier
ChatBotIdguidUnique identifier of the chat bot
ChatBotNamestringName of the chat bot
ChatBotExecutionIdguidUnique identifier of the chat bot execution
TriggerIdguidUnique identifier of the trigger
HttpStatusCodeintHttp status code from the cloud function
ResponseContentstringResponse content from the cloud function
TimestampdatetimeDatetime of the cloud function error
EnqueuedDateTimedatetimeDatetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries.


Column NameData TypeComments
CloudFunctionExecutionIdguidUnique identifier of the cloud function execution
CloudFunctionIdguidUnique identifier of the cloud function
LiveChatIdguidUnique identifier of the chat
ChatBotIdguidUnique identifier of the chat bot
ChatBotNamestringName of the chat bot
ChatBotExecutionIdguidUnique identifier of the chat bot execution
TriggerIdguidUnique identifier of the trigger
DurationMsintThe duration in milliseconds of the cloud function execution
HadErrorboolIndicates whether the cloud function execution encountered an error
StartDateTimedatetimeDatetime of the start of the cloud function execution
OrganizationIdguidOrganization's unique identifier
EnqueuedDateTimedatetimeDatetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries.


Column NameData TypeComments
CustomScriptErrorIdguidUnique identifier of the custom script error
CustomScriptExecutionIdguidUnique identifier of the custom script execution
CustomScriptIdguidUnique identifier of the custom script
LiveChatIdguidUnique identifier of the chat
OrganizationIdguidOrganization's unique identifier
ChatBotIdguidUnique identifier of the chat bot
ChatBotNamestringName of the chat bot
ChatBotExecutionIdguidUnique identifier of the chat bot execution
MessagestringError message
StackTracestringStack trace of the error
TimestampdatetimeDatetime of the custom script error
EnqueuedDateTimedatetimeDatetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries.


Column NameData TypeComments
CustomScriptExecutionIdguidUnique identifier of the custom script execution
CustomScriptIdguidUnique identifier of the custom script
LiveChatIdguidUnique identifier of the chat
OrganizationIdguidOrganization's unique identifier
ChatBotIdguidUnique identifier of the chat bot
ChatBotNamestringName of the chat bot
ChatBotExecutionIdguidUnique identifier of the chat bot execution
DurationMsintThe duration in milliseconds of the custom script execution
HadErrorboolIndicates whether the custom script execution encountered an error
StartDateTimedatetimeDatetime of the start of the custom script execution
EnqueuedDateTimedatetimeDatetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries.


Column NameData TypeComments
CustomScriptTraceIdguidUnique identifier of the custom script trace
CustomScriptExecutionIdguidUnique identifier of the custom script execution
CustomScriptIdguidUnique identifier of the custom script
LiveChatIdguidUnique identifier of the chat
OrganizationIdguidOrganization's unique identifier
ChatBotIdguidUnique identifier of the chat bot
ChatBotNamestringName of the chat bot
ChatBotExecutionIdguidUnique identifier of the chat bot execution
MessagestringCutom trace message
SeverityLevelstringCustom trace severity level
TimestampdatetimeDatetime of the custom trace
EnqueuedDateTimedatetimeDatetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries.


Column NameData TypeComments
AttributeIdguidUnique identifier of the user attribute
UserIdguidUnique identifier of the user
AttributeNamestringName of the user attribute
ValuestringValue of the user attribute
PermissionScopestringPermission scope of the user attribute
OrganizationIdguidOrganization's unique identifier
EnqueuedDateTimedatetimeDatetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries.


Column NameData TypeComments
JourneyInstanceIdguidUnique identifier of the journey instance
AttributeNamestringName of the attribute
DataTypestringData type of the attribute
AttributeValuestringValue of the attribute
IsCustomboolIndicates whether the attribute is a custom attribute or a system attribute
CollectionItemTypestringIf a collection type, indicates the date type of the items in the collection
OrganizationIdguidOrganization's unique identifier
EnqueuedDateTimedatetimeDatetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries.


Column NameData TypeComments
JourneyInstanceIdguidUnique identifier of the journey instance
JourneyBotIdguidUnique identifier of the journey bot
JourneyBotNamestringName of the journey bot
JourneyBatchIdguidUnique identitifer of the journey batch
InitiatingUserIdguidID of the user who initiated the journey instance
JourneyInstanceStatusstringStatus of the journey instance. Possible value are NotStarted, InProgress, InvokedFlowOnExistingInstance, Completed, InError, Cancelled, Scheduled, Queued.
ErrorMessagestringError message of the journey instance
ReferenceJourneyInstanceIdguidID of the journey instance that was in progress on which this journey instance attempted to invoke a subflow
InvokeFlowIdintThe unique identifier of the subflow that was invoked
ScheduledTimeZonestringThe time zone of the DateTime when this journey instance is scheduled to execute
ScheduledDateTimedatetimeThe datetime that this journey instance is scheduled to execute
JourneyExecutionStatusstringThe journey execution status. Possible values are Active, Complete, Paused, Error
JourneyExecutionIdguidUnique identifier of the journey execution
InstanceCreatedDateTimedatetimeDatetime the instance was created
ExecutionCreatedDateTimedatetimeDatetime the journey execution started
ExecutionUpdatedDateTimedatetimeDatetime the journey execution was last updated
ExecutionCompletedDateTimedatetimeDatetime the journey execution completed
CompletionReasonstringJourney execution completion reason. Possible values are ExecutionCompleted, Error.
RanToCompletionboolIndicates whether the execution ran to completion
LastJourneyStepExecutionIdguidUnique identifier of the last journey bot step executed
LastJourneyStepExecutionStepIdintStep ID of the last journey bot step executed
LastJourneyStepExecutionStepNamestringName of the last journey bot step executed
LastJourneyStepExecutionStepTypestringStep type of the last journey bot step executed
OrganizationIdguidOrganization's unique identifier
EnqueuedDateTimedatetimeDatetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries.


Column NameData TypeComments
JourneyInstanceIdguidUnique identifier of the journey instance
AttributeNamestringName of the parameter
AttributeValuestringValue of the parameter
OrganizationIdguidOrganization's unique identifier
EnqueuedDateTimedatetimeDatetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries.


Column NameData TypeComments
JourneyStepExecutionIdguidUnique identifier of the journey bot step execution
JourneyInstanceIdguidUnique identifier of the journey instance
JourneyExecutionIdguidUnique identifier of the journey bot execution
JourneyBotIdguidUnique identifier of the journey bot
JourneyBotNamestringName of the journey bot
FlowIdguidUnique identifier of the journey bot flow
FlowNamestringName of the journey bot flow
FlowCreatedDateTimedatetimeDatetime that the flow was created
StepIdintStep ID of the step that executed
StepNamestringStep name of the step that executed
StepTypestringStep type of the step that executed
EventDateTimedatetimeDatetime that the step executed
OrganizationIdguidOrganization's unique identifier
EnqueuedDateTimedatetimeDatetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries.


Column NameData TypeComments
SmsBatchRecipientIdguidUnique identifier of the recipient
OrganizationIdguidOrganization's unique identifier
AttributeNamestringName of the parameter
AttributeValuestringValue of the parameter
EnqueuedDateTimedatetimeDatetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries.


Column NameData TypeComments
SmsBatchRecipientIdguidUnique identifier of the recipient
SmsBatchIdguidUnique identifier of the3 SMS batch
OrganizationIdguidOrganization's unique identifier
RecipientNamestringName of the recipient
RecipientPhoneNumberstringPhone number of the recipient
RecipientStatusstringBatch recipient status. Possible values are NotSent, Queued, AwaitingTextBotStart, Scheduled, Sent, InError, Cancelled
SentDateTimedatetimeDatetime the batch was started for this recipient
ErrorMessagestringError message sending to this recipient
SmsChatIdguidUnique identifier of the SMS chat
TextBotExecutionIdguidUnique identifier of the text bot execution
EnqueuedDateTimedatetimeDatetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries.


Column NameData TypeComments
SmsBatchIdguidUnique identifier of the SMS batch
OrganizationIdguidOrganization's unique identifier
SenderPhoneNumberstringSenders phone number
BatchStatusstringBatch status. Possible values are Created, Scheduled, InProgress, Paused, Complete, Cancelled
InitiatedByUserIdguidUser ID of the agent that initiated the batch
TextBotstringName of the text bot
CreatedDateTimedatetimeDatetime batch was created
ScheduledDateTimedatetimeDatetime batch is scheduled to be sent
EnqueuedDateTimedatetimeDatetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries.
SenderPhoneNumberNamestringSender phone number name


Column NameData TypeComments
TextBotExecutionIdguidUnique identifier of the text bot execution
SmsChatIdguidUnique identifier of the chat
TextBotIdguidUnique identifier of the text bot
TextBotNamestringName of the text bot
InitiatingUserIdguidUnique identifier of the agent that initiated the text bot execution
StatusstringStatus of the text bot execution. Possible values are Active, Complete, Paused, Error
CreatedDateTimedatetimeDatetime the execution was created
UpdatedDateTimedatetimeDatetime the execution was updated
CompletedDateTimedatetimeDatetime the execution completed
CompletionReasonstringReason the execution completed. Possible values are ExecutionCompleted, ChatEnded, Error
RanToCompletionboolIndicates whether the execution ran to completion
LastTextBotStepExecutionIdguidUnique identifier of the last text bot step executed
LastTextBotStepExecutionStepIdintStep ID of the last text bot step executed
LastTextBotStepExecutionStepNamestringName of the last text bot step executed
LastTextBotStepExecutionStepTypestringStep type of the last text bot step executed
OrganizationIdguidOrganization's unique identifier
EnqueuedDateTimedatetimeDatetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries.


Column NameData TypeComments
TextBotStepExecutionIdguidUnique identifier of the text bot step execution
SmsChatIdguidUnique identifier of the chat
TextBotExecutionIdguidUnique identifier of the text bot execution
TextBotIdguidUnique identifier of the text bot
TextBotNamestringName of the text bot
FlowIdguidUnique identifier of the text bot flow
FlowNamestringName of the text bot flow
FlowCreatedDateTimedatetimeDatetime that the flow was created
StepIdintStep ID of the step that executed
StepNamestringStep name of the step that executed
StepTypestringStep type of the step that executed
EventDateTimedatetimeDatetime that the step executed
OrganizationIdguidOrganization's unique identifier
EnqueuedDateTimedatetimeDatetime stamp when record is exported from the main application and into the analytics database for display in Analytics and Custom Reports. Note: This is a system field and generally won't be used in custom queries.