MedChat Answer Bot


MedChat’s Answer Bot is an intelligent knowledge base accessible via the MedChat Widget. When enabled, it can dramatically reduce your call volumes, allowing visitors to self-serve and search for FAQ/Wiki content you build into your Answer Bot.


The MedChat Answer Bot Overview

Managing an Answer Bot is simple and easy. You can easily organize content by creating Categories for your knowledge base, Articles that will fall under them, and optionally, another level of 'child' Articles underneath a parent Article. You can customize your content flow to optimize patient discovery with the use of a feature-rich Article editor that supports text formatting, images, hyperlinks, tables, and video.

Answer Bots also gather information about what your patients are searching for, what they’re finding, and content that may be missing from your knowledge base. Gap and Trend analytics from Answer Bot searches will provide insight into what articles are most popular, which are performing well, which can be improved, and what gaps you need to fill.


Highlights from the latest version:

  • New Answer Bot Outline view: the left-hand panel now displays an expandable/collapsible tree view of your Categories, Articles, and child Articles
  • Child Articles: You can now add another level underneath each Article (called 'child' Articles) to better slice your content across your Answer Bot
  • Article Editor is now part of the main view for easier navigation and management of your Categories and Articles
  • Tables can now be inserted within an Article, supported by feature-rich Table management capabilities

Creating an Answer Bot

You can create an Answer Bot in a couple of ways in Admin: via Boosters, or via Widgets.

Create via Admin > Boosters

Navigate to Admin > Boosters > Answer Bots on the left-hand side bar. From the Answer Bot Page, click ‘New
Answer Bot’ to get started. Give your Answer Bot a name, assign it to the Widget where it will reside, and create your first set of Categories and Articles.


Create Answer Bot via Admin > Boosters

Create via Admin > Widget

Navigate to Admin > Widgets to pull up the Widgets list page, then click on your specific Widget to pull up the overview page. Scroll down and click on the ‘Create or add an answer bot’ option, give your Answer Bot a name and assign it to the Widget where it will reside.


Create Answer Bot via Widget Admin

Once you’ve created your Answer Bot, you will be navigated to the Answer Bot Overview page to manage your new knowledge base.

Managing your Answer Bot

The Answer Bot Overview page allows you to manage multiple aspects of your Answer Bot:

  • Rename, Change Widget Assignments, and Delete your Answer Bot
  • Manage Categories: create, view, delete, move, modify
  • Manage Articles and Child Articles: create, view, delete, edit, move, and more...
  • Filter Article list (by Featured Articles or by Search bar)
  • Activate/Deactivate your Answer Bot
  • Answer Bot Outline: collapse/expand Categories, Articles and Child Article tree view, assign/re-assign Articles

Answer Bot Overview Options


Answer Bot Outline

You can collapse and expand the left-hand tree view to see your Answer Bot outline.


Categories Collapsed and Expanded

Rename, Assign, and Delete

Click on the Answer Bot name at the top of the overview page to activate a menu that allows you to rename it, update its widget assignment(s), or delete it altogether.


Rename, Assign, or Delete Answer Bot

Manage Widget Assignments

By selecting 'Update widget assignments' under the Answer Bot’s name in the overview page, you can add or remove Widgets where you want your Answer Bot to appear.


Assign Widgets to Answer Bot

Manage Categories

As you begin putting together your knowledge base, you’ll want to group your content by Category. Categories will display prominently on your Answer Bot, and will be the primary topics where your Articles will reside.


How Categories display on the Widget Answer Bot

Adding a Category

To add a new category, click on the ‘+’ button on the Categories panel, give it a name, and click Create.


Add a Category

Rearranging Category sort order

To rearrange Category order for display in your Answer Bot, simply click on the item you want to move, and drag and drop it to your desired location.


Moving Categories

Renaming and Deleting a Category

To rename or delete a Category, click on the the ellipsis [...] button to display the options available.


Renaming and Deleting Categories

Manage Articles

Creating a new Article

To create a new Article, click on the ‘New Article’ button in the overview page. On the New Article dialog, provide a name and select the Category this article will belong to. (Alternatively, you can also add a child Article underneath a pre-existing Article from the list.)

Then, click on ‘Start Writing’ to pull up the Article Editor.


Adding Articles

Building Articles in the Editor

The Article Editor is where you build your knowledge base content.


Article Editor Overview

Article Editor Header: The header provides the following info and options:

  1. Performance: Displays helpful/not helpful feedback counts for your Article
  2. Publish/Draft: Toggles your Article on/off for viewing live in production
  3. Save Article: Click to save when Article content or publish/unpublish status is updated
  4. Widget Width/Full Width: Toggle your editor view as you build your content to see how it will look in the Widget
  5. Add: Click the '+' button to add a new Article
  6. Ellipsis (Additional Options):
    • Add child article: You have up to 2 levels for your Article (i.e., parent article and child article)
    • Set/Remove as Intro Article: assign/un-assign an article as the category’s Intro Article. See section on Setting an Intro Article below
    • Set/Remove as Featured Article: Designate up to 3 featured articles to be prominent in your Answer Bot
    • Copy link to Article: copies the article’s link for easy insertion into other articles
    • Move article to another category or parent article: reassign your article to a category or parent article
    • Assign topic to article: match your Article to a specific widget topic to quickly start a chat with that topic. See section on Assigning Articles to matching Topics
    • Delete the Article: permanently remove the article from your Answer Bot

Article Editor Header

Article Toolbar: The Toolbar provides a robust set of options:

  • Text Style: Normal and Headings 1 through 6
  • Text Formatting: Bold, Italicized, Underline, and Strikethrough
  • Remove Formatting (New): Removes formatting currently applied to content
  • Lists: Bulleted and Numbered list formatting
  • Quote (New): Callout specific texts to highlight in your content
  • Insert Image: Support JPG, PNG, GIF formats
  • Insert Video: Link to publicly-accessible videos
  • Insert Links: Link to another article within the Answer Bot, or to a web address
  • Insert Divider (New): Provide delineation between your article contents
  • Insert Table(New): Pulls up the Edit Table modal; supports row and column headers, full width view, row number display, along with cell formatting (Bold, Italicize, Underline, Strikethrough, and Alignment)
  • Code Block (New): Format text in code block format

Article Editor Toolbar

Setting an Intro Article

An Intro Article is the starting custom page you want your visitors to see when they click on an Answer Bot Category.
To designate one, click on the ‘Set an intro article’ button on the Editor page.


Setting an Intro Article

Once you do, all articles within the same category will be automatically inserted in the content.


Intro Article display in Editor View and Widget View


A note about Intro Articles

If you do not wish to designate an Intro Article, visitors clicking a category from your Answer Bot will simply show them a list of all articles under their selected category.

Sample Answer Bot view With and Without an Intro Article

In the example below, clicking on the "Login/Website Questions" category will yield different views depending on whether or not you set an Intro Article.


Samples with and without Intro Article

Assigning your Article to matching Topics

You can now associate a Widget topic that best corresponds to your Article. This allows your visitors to quickly go from reading an article, right into a live chat for the corresponding topic.

In the example below, the "How do I schedule an Appointment" article is matched to the 'Modern Health Chat' widget's Appointment Scheduling topic. If a visitor on the article decides to start a chat (via the links available at the top and bottom of the article), then the system will automatically start an 'Appointment Scheduling' Live Chat.


Assign Article to a Widget Topic


Publishing your Article for live use

Remember to toggle your Articles from ‘Draft’ to ‘Published’ once they’re ready for production viewing. Simply toggle back to ‘Draft’ if you want to hide your Article from being accessed.

Remember to click 'Save Article' to persist your changes.

Filtering your list of Articles

You can filter down the list of articles displayed in the right-hand panel by using any of the following:

* Click on **All Articles** for a complete list of Articles for your Answer Bot
* Click **Featured Articles** on the left-hand panel to only return articles flagged as ‘featured’ (only up to 3 Features are allowed)
* Use the **Search Articles bar** found at the top of the page by finding partial matches to Article names

Filter list of Articles

Rearranging and moving Articles

You can drag and drop an Article to do any of the following:

  • Change its order within a Category
  • Move it to a different Category altogether
  • Make it a 'child' Article by dragging it underneath another Article
  • Make it a parent Article by dragging a child Article and dropping it to align with its peers

Moving Articles around your Answer Bot

Alternatively, you can also move Articles using the 'Move article' option available on the additional options (3-dot ellipsis) menu:


Move articles using the sub-menus


A note on moving an Article with child Articles

When dragging and dropping an Article with children, all its child articles will move with it as well.

Customize Answer Bot message prompts (New)

Under the Live Chat Settings (via Admin > Widget > Widget Overview), you can now customize Answer Bot text displaying on your Widget:

  • Live Chat card text - customize the text displaying in your Answer Bot's home page
  • In-article call to action text - customize the call to action text within your articles

Note: The Live Chat card text and In-article call to action text settings will only appear if you have an Answer Bot assigned to your Widget.


Activating your Answer Bot for live use

Remember to toggle your Answer Bot from ‘Inactive’ to ‘Active’ when your Answer Bot is ready to go live on your Widget. If you need to deactivate your Answer Bot, simply toggle it back to ‘Inactive’.

Using Answer Bot in the Widget

Once you’ve activated your Answer Bot, your Widget Launcher Bar will display “Ask us anything…”, indicating that the Answer Bot is online, and ready for use by your site visitors.


Answer Bot Options

Visitors pulling up Widgets with an active Answer Bot will be shown a new interface that allows them to immediately start a live chat, begin a search of Answer Bot content, or pull up available Featured articles or categories listed in the widget

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Visitor feedback/Article Performance

Visitors will be prompted for feedback as to whether or not the Article they viewed was helpful. Feedback will be immediately available to view in the Answer Bot overview Performance column.



Starting a chat from an Article

If a visitor marks an article as not helpful, they will be prompted to start a chat with an available live agent. If the article has been assigned to a specific topic on your Widget, then the chat will immediately start -- no need for your visitor to select from a list of available Widget topics. See section on 'Assigning your Articles to matching Topics.'

Transitioning between Live Chat and Answer Bot

Visitors are provided quick access to Live Chat agents if they need assistance, wherever they are on the Answer Bot: whether performing searches, reading article content, or flagging an article as not helpful.


Viewing Answer Bot Analytics

To view metrics about your Answer Bot’s performance, navigate to Admin > Analytics > Answer Bot.


The Answer Bot Analytics page provides various metrics that will help you gauge your Answer Bot's performance. It provides actionable insights into your current knowledge base content, as well as what your customers are searching for.

To use Answer Bot Analytics, select your start and end dates to see how well your Answer Bot performed during that time frame. Then, select the Answer Bot from the dropdown list.

The following metrics are available:

  • Total views, Average articled viewed per visit, unique sessions, and overall Gap Analysis Score (i.e., grade for how well patient searches relate to your available articles)
  • Trending Searches by visitors of your Widget/Answer Bot
  • Most Popular Categories (# of views)
  • Most Popular Articles (# of views and a tally of positive or negative feedback)
  • Search terms that need Articles (words/phrases customers have searched for with the lowest scores)
  • Articles that need work (articles that may need improvement based on the negative feedback)