Message Blocks


Each MedChat message contains a body, and that body consists of a collection of message blocks. This guide will introduce developers to the available block type models. A separate, more detailed guide will offer additional information on valid message compositions.



We are actively expanding the list of available message block types. Check back often to see what new options are available for tailored messages.

Text Messages

The simplest block type in the MedChat model is TextMessageBlock. It is the most common block type, used any time patients or agents send text messages via the UI.

    "Body": [
            "Id": "OptionalId",
            "Type": "TextMessageBlock",
            "Text": "Hello world! How are you?"

Here is what this single-block example message would look like to the user.

Rendered TextMessageBlock Example

Rendered TextMessageBlock Example

Input Controls

MedChat supports a range of input controls inside our message models. These input block types are generated whenever an agent sends a form or when a chat bot asks a question of the user.


TextInputMessageBlock is the basic text input control. It is used for short answer questions.

    "Body": [
            "Id": "SomeId",
            "Type": "TextInputMessageBlock",
            "Label": "What is your favorite sport?",
            "Placeholder": "Type your answer",
            "IsPrivate": false,
            "Validators": [
                    "Type": "RequiredInputMessageBlockValidator"
                    "Type": "TextLengthInputMessageBlockValidator",
                    "MaxLength": 50

Rendered TextInputMessageBlock Example


The ParagraphInputMessageBlock is identical to the TextInputMessageBlock except that it provides a larger input control for multi-line responses.

    "Body": [
            "Id": "SomeId",
            "Type": "ParagraphInputMessageBlock",
            "Label": "What are your long term professional goals?",
            "Placeholder": "Type your answer",
            "IsPrivate": false,
            "Validators": [
                    "Type": "RequiredInputMessageBlockValidator"
                    "Type": "TextLengthInputMessageBlockValidator",
                    "MaxLength": 500

Rendered ParagraphInputMessageBlock Example

Drop Down

The first of our multi-option input controls is the DropDownInputMessageBlock. It may be used in a single or multi-select context. Additionally, it may be configured to accept custom input (i.e. the user is able to specify an option outside the preconfigured list). When the drop down is expanded, the user has access to a search bar to quickly narrow the choices.

    "Body": [
            "Id": "SomeId",
            "Type": "DropDownInputMessageBlock",
            "Label": "What is your favorite color?",
            "Placeholder": "Choose your option",
            "IsMultiSelectEnabled": false,
            "IsPrivate": false,
            "AllowCustomInput": false,
            "Options": [
                    "Label": "Red",
                    "Value": "Red"
                    "Label": "Blue",
                    "Value": "Blue"
                    "Label": "Green",
                    "Value": "Green"
            "Validators": [
                    "Type": "RequiredInputMessageBlockValidator"

Rendered DropDownInputMessageBlock Example - Collapsed List


Rendered DropDownInputMessageBlock Example - Expanded List

Multi Choice

Our second multi-option input control is the MultiChoiceInputMessageBlock. Like the drop down control, it can also be used for either single or multi-select questions. The default display mode is "List", which shows a checkbox next to each of the options. The other display mode is "Buttons", which renders the options as a group of buttons. Multi-choice options also support an optional Description property.

    "Body": [
            "Id": "SomeId",
            "Type": "MultiChoiceInputMessageBlock",
            "Label": "Which is the best Ninja Turtle?",
            "IsMultiSelectEnabled": false,
            "IsPrivate": false,
            "DisplayMode": "List",
            "Options": [
                    "Label": "Leonardo",
                    "Value": "Leonardo"
                    "Label": "Raphael",
                    "Value": "Raphael"
                    "Label": "Michelangelo",
                    "Value": "Michelangelo"
                    "Label": "Donatelo",
                    "Value": "Donatelo"
            "Validators": [
                    "Type": "RequiredInputMessageBlockValidator"

Rendered MultiChoiceInputMessageBlock Example


For discrete numeric inputs, the MedChat model defines a ScaleInputMessageBlock. When answering the question, users may select one of the discrete values between MinValue and MaxValue, inclusive, using increments of the "Step" size. The scale input may render optional labels under the min and max values.

    "Body": [
            "Id": "SomeId",
            "Type": "ScaleInputMessageBlock",
            "Label": "How satisfied are you with your service?",
            "IsPrivate": false,
            "MinValue": 1,
            "MaxValue": 5,
            "Step": 1,
            "MinLabel": "Unsatisfied",
            "MaxLabel": "Very Satisfied",
            "Validators": [
                    "Type": "RequiredInputMessageBlockValidator"

Rendered ScaleInputMessageBlock Example

File Upload

Users can be prompted to upload a file by using the FileUploadInputMessageBlock. Files are currently restricted to a maximum size of 30 MB.

    "Body": [
            "Id": "SomeId",
            "Type": "FileUploadInputMessageBlock",
            "Label": "Upload your resume",
            "Validators": [
                    "Type": "RequiredInputMessageBlockValidator"

Rendered FileUploadMessageBlock Example

Date Picker

The DatePickerInputMessageBlock can be used for single date or date range entry/selection.

    "Body": [
            "Id": "SomeId",
            "Type": "DatePickerInputMessageBlock",
            "Label": "Please enter your birthdate.",
            "Placeholder": "Select a date",
            "IsPrivate": false,
            "PickerType": "Single", // "Single" or "Range"
            "DateFormatOption": {
                "Example": null,
                "FormatString": "MM/dd/yyyy"              
            "DaysInThePastLimit": null,
            "DaysInTheFutureLimit": 0,
            "Validators": [
                    "Type": "RequiredInputMessageBlockValidator"

Rendered DatePickerInputMessageBlock Example


Rendered DatePickerInputMessageBlock Example - Expanded


The GenderInputMessageBlock can be used for gender selection.

    "Body": [
            "Id": "SomeId",
            "Type": "GenderInputMessageBlock",
            "Label": "Please select your gender.",
            "Placeholder": "Select gender",
            "IsPrivate": false,
            "Options": [
            "Validators": [
                    "Type": "RequiredInputMessageBlockValidator"

Rendered GenderInputMessageBlockExample


Rendered GenderInputMessageBlockExample - Expanded

Phone Number

The PhoneNumberInputMessageBlock can be used for phone number entry. The block validates that the user-entered number is a properly formatted number, according to the selected country.

    "Body": [
            "Id": "SomeId",
            "Type": "PhoneNumberInputMessageBlock",
            "Label": "Please enter your phone number.",
            "Placeholder": "Enter a phone number",
            "AllowInternational": true,
            "IsPrivate": false,
            "Validators": [
                    "Type": "RequiredInputMessageBlockValidator"

Rendered PhoneNumberInputMessageBlockExample

Multiple Inputs

Each example so far has included only a single input block. However, the MedChat message body is an array of message blocks. Multiple inputs may be placed in a single message by including a block for each input.

    "Body": [
            "Id": "OptionalId",
            "Type": "TextMessageBlock",
            "Text": "What is your mailing address?"
            "Id": "Street",
            "Type": "TextInputMessageBlock",
            "Placeholder": "Street",
            "IsPrivate": false,
            "Validators": [
                    "Type": "RequiredInputMessageBlockValidator"
            "Id": "City",
            "Type": "TextInputMessageBlock",
            "Placeholder": "City",
            "IsPrivate": false,
            "Validators": [
                    "Type": "RequiredInputMessageBlockValidator"
            "Id": "State",
            "Type": "TextInputMessageBlock",
            "Placeholder": "State",
            "IsPrivate": false,
            "Validators": [
                    "Type": "RequiredInputMessageBlockValidator"
                    "Type": "TextLengthInputMessageBlockValidator",
                    "MinLength": 2,
                    "MaxLength": 2
            "Id": "Zip",
            "Type": "TextInputMessageBlock",
            "Placeholder": "Zip",
            "IsPrivate": false,
            "Validators": [
                    "Type": "RequiredInputMessageBlockValidator"
                    "Type": "TextLengthInputMessageBlockValidator",
                    "MaxLength": 5
                    "Type": "FormatInputMessageBlockValidator",
                    "InputFormat": "Numeric"

Rendered Multi-Block Example


The input examples above have leveraged some of the available input validators. Here we will cover additional details of each validator type.

Required Inputs

To mark an input as required, it needs a RequiredInputMessageBlockValidator. This validator has no configurable properties. It may be included on any of the MedChat input message blocks.

    "Type": "RequiredInputMessageBlockValidator"

Text Length

Text based inputs may include a TextLengthInputMessageBlockValidator. This validator may be configured with optional min and/or max lengths. This validator may be used on TextInputMessageBlocks, ParagraphInputMessageBlocks, and DropDownInputMessageBlocks. When used on a drop down control, any custom input will be validated against the configured lengths.


Specifying a MinLength greater than 0 does NOT make the input required. The minimum length requirement will only be validated if a value is provided. To make a text input required and require a minimum length, include a RequiredInputMessageBlockValidator and a TextLengthInputMessageBlockValidator.

    "Type": "RequiredInputMessageBlockValidator",
    "MinLength": 5,
    "MaxLength": 10

Selection Size

In multi-select scenarios, validation may be added to ensure the number of selected values falls in a specified range. The SelectionSizeInputMessageBlockValidator includes optional MinSelectable and MaxSelectable properties. This validator is accepted on DropDownInputMessageBlocks and MultiChoiceInputMessageBlocks.


Specifying a MinSelectable value greater than 0 does NOT make the input required. The minimum selection size requirement will only be validated if a selection is made. To make a multi-select input required and require a minimum selection size, include a RequiredInputMessageBlockValidator and a SelectionSizeInputMessageBlockValidator.

    "Type": "SelectionSizeInputMessageBlockValidator",
    "MinSelectable": 1,
    "MaxSelectable": 3


Inputs may be constrained to specific formats. The FormatInputMessageBlockValidator supports validation of alpha, alphanumeric, numeric, and custom formats. When using a custom format, a regular expression must also be provided. This validator is accepted on TextInputMessageBlocks, ParagraphInputMessageBlocks, and DropDownInputMessageBlocks.


Specifying a custom format with a regular expression does NOT make the input required. The custom format requirement will only be validated if a value is provided. To make a text input required and require a specific format, include a RequiredInputMessageBlockValidator and a FormatInputMessageBlockValidator.

    "Type": "FormatInputMessageBlockValidator",
    "InputFormat": "Alpha"

Submitted Forms

Once a user submits answers to message inputs, the system generates a new message representing the submitted values. The resulting message contains a single SubmittedFormMessageBlock at the top level. This single block contains a translated version of the original message blocks where all inputs are replaced with SubmittedInputMessageBlocks.



The structure of the blocks inside the SubmittedFormMessageBlock will match the structure of the original message. If the original message used nested containers for layout purposes, the resulting SubmittedFormMessageBlock will contain the same containers.

Here is an example input message:

    "Body": [
            "Id": "ContactMethod",
            "Type": "TextInputMessageBlock",
            "Label": "What is the best way to contact you?",
            "Placeholder": "Type your answer",
            "IsPrivate": false,
            "Validators": [
                    "Type": "RequiredInputMessageBlockValidator"

Pre-submission Short Answer Input

Once the user submits an answer, a new message would be generated with the following structure:

    "Body": [
            "Id": "<generated ID>",
            "Type": "SubmittedFormMessageBlock",
            "RequestMessageId": "<original message ID>",
            "ReadOnlyForm": [
                    "Id": "ContactMethod",
                    "Type": "SubmittedInputMessageBlock",
                    "Label": "What is the best way to contact you?",
                    "Values": [
                        "Carrier pigeon"
                    "IsPrivate": false,
                    "InputMessageBlockConfig": {
                        "Type": "SimpleInputMessageBlockConfig",
                        "InputMessageBlockType": "TextInputMessageBlock"

Post-submission Short Answer Input

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