What Is KQL?

Kusto Query Language (Kusto or KQL for short) is a query language that is particularly well-suited for efficiently querying large data sets. Developed by Microsoft, KQL was created for and is used in several of Microsoft's cloud services to query and analyze massive data sets.

KQL is the query language use to write MedChat custom report queries.

Is KQL like SQL?

KQL is similar to SQL in that both are languages used to query data. While SQL was developed to work with relational databases, KQL is designed and optimized for querying big data sources.

Many of the same concepts used when writing SQL queries translate to KQL. If you're familiar with SQL, you should have no trouble coming up to speed quickly on KQL.

Check out the Additional Resources for some resources geared specifically towards folks with SQL familiarity.

What’s Next

Perhaps the easiest way to learn KQL is by example, so let's get started!